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Saturday, October 2, 2010 @ 00:51 | 0 comment(s) | add a comment.
Just another random entry.Sooo.. what can I say. If you follow me on facebook my words ''sick of being sick'' speak for itself. I remember when Norgailė went to Sheffield last year and she'd been ill almost for a fucking year. No joke. And I couldn't understand how is this even possible. Now I know lol. It's like.. the 3rd time in a MONTH when I catch a cold. This is just ridiculous. I recover and after a couple of days I get a sore throat and all shit included again. I can't take it anymore!!! This is just horrible! I slept through all day when I got back from my classes and at least now I feel a little bit better. I thought I'm gonna pass out in the morning. That just sucks. And the weather in Manchester sucks big time too. I don't understand why people call London a city of the most fucked up weather in the world. That is so not true lol. Hmm.. what else? Spent enormously huge amount of money for French books and stuff like pencils, notebooks etc. I'm gonna bankrupt in an upcoming week for sure. Especially after Wednesday when I'll buy all needed material for Japanese. Eeeeeeek (I love this expression even though I use it with another meaning from the rest of the world lol). Manchester is so random. On Wednesday when I was walking around the city centre to find some postcards one guy wearing a blue t-shirt (didn't read what was on it ehh) stopped me to say hello. I was like ''eeeermm.. hi?''; the guy ''you're 20 years old?'' me ''mmmyeaahhh..'' him again ''and you were born in 1990?'' me ''mmmmmyeaaaahhh??'' ''ok have a nice day!''. And he let me go. I was like WTF??? But when I realised that I should've asked him what is this all about and how did he guess my age I was already on the other side of a road haha. Ok I just can't miss an opportunity to complain (yes again) about French (yes you've heard this all before lol). I just feel so drained everytime after this stupid class. I haven't been so confused for ages. I'm as bad in French as I was in Physics. I feel so dumb. Last time I was so desperate that in the end of the class when the teacher wrote ''Bonne Année!'' on the blackboard and then read it out loud I suddenly made a loud notice that it sounds like ''banana''. Everybody was laughing. Jeeesh I'm already a star of the class. In a bad way. They all probably think I'm crazy lol. Btw I finally played pool. For the first time in my life. I know that sounds pretty sad but back in my country I was just too scared to look like a total failure around others. I don't know.. If I went to the bar in Lithuania and others would notice that I can't play it at all everybody would just point fingers at me. I feel more relaxed here coz nobody gives a fuck about you and your abilities haha. Anyways there were some people staring at me. But I can understand them I looked really funny. And also ruined my team's performance. Sorry guys, I love you :D Couldn't get the non blury one coz they just kept moving mmmkay xD Oh and today I used our library's facilities for the first time. Ahh.. I felt like an idiot. I just hate self-service stuff hahaha. Gonna read my ass off this weekend. I smell a nerd sitting right next to me. Oh wait no! That's actually me! 와, 차갑다, 차갑다 얼음공주 오셨다 하지만 SEXY ♪SHINee – 아.미.고 (Amigo)♪ |